Franz Developer Hub

Franz extensible architecture allows developers to add any given service via recipes. It is even possible to create standalone apps that do not require an external server for serving the app.

What is a Recipe?

Recipes are simple node modules that consist in a minimal setting of an package.json, index.js and webview.js.

How do I install a Franz Recipe?

  1. To install a new integration, download the integration folder e.g whatsapp.
  2. Open the Franz Plugins folder on your machine (note that this dev directory may not exist yet, and you must create it):
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Franz/recipes/dev/
  • Windows: %appdata%/Franz/recipes/dev/
  • Linux: ~/.config/Franz/recipes/dev
  1. Copy the whatsapp folder into the plugins directory
  2. Reload Franz

How to develop, test and deploy recipes

To create a basic recipe you only need:

Example Franz Recipes (Source Code)