Franz Support


Are you up-to-date?

We are continually improving features and fixing bugs that have been reported to us. Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Franz - 5.10.0 - which you can download from our website.



How to add Instagram messages?

You can access Instagram messages in Franz via the "Facebook Pages" service.

For initial setup go to your browser and connect instagram with your FB Pages account. Then, simply add Facebook Pages as a service to Franz, reload, and you’re all set.


How can I access my file share folders (e.g. Google Drive) in Franz?

You can add any file share link to Franz via our ‘Custom Website’ feature (only available in the Franz Professional plan).


How can I make my services darker in appearance?

You can add a custom Dark Mode theme by simply putting the 'darkmode.css' into your recipe folder. Then you can additionally enable the Dark Mode in your service settings. Visit the Franz Developer Hub for more information on service recipes.

dark mode

How to reload the Franz app or a service without the need to restart?

You can reload Franz globally in the window menu > View > Reload Franz or Reload Service.

The following shortcuts are available as well:

  • Ctrl+R / Cmd+R for reloading your current service

  • Ctrl+Shift+R / Cmd+Shift+R for reloading Franz


How to cancel my subscription

To cancel your premium supporter license, you have options.


How to get started?

Welcome to Franz!

To get started click the 'Add new service' button in your sidebar

which will lead you to the available services:

Add the services you want to use - you'll see the number of services you added under 'Your services' - and close this window.

Reload Franz

Clicking on the service icon in your sidebar gets you to the service login page:

Log in to your account & start chatting right away



I have troubles launching MS Teams on Franz 5.9.1

You have already downloaded our latest version and get this error message when you want to use MS Teams?

Please follow the steps below to solve this problem:

  1. Close the app

  2. Go to the Franz recipes folder:

    mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Franz/recipes

    Windows: %appdata%\Franz/recipes

  3. and delete the msteams folder that you'll find in there

  4. Restart the app

I have updated to the latest WhatsApp version on my phone, and now I cannot connect to WhatsApp in Franz anymore. How can this be problem be solved?

This is a known issue and we are working on a solution.

If you don't need to use WhatsApp on several devices at the moment, you can go to the WhatsApp app settings on your phone and opt out of the multi-device-beta version.

Until we can provide a long-term solution, you can also "resolve" the problem by deleting the service from Franz and then adding it anew (- you'll also have to scan the QR code again).


When will Signal be added to Franz?

We would love to integrate Signal, but unfortunately this is technically not possible at the moment. We are however working on a solution.


I've updated to macOS Big Sur and now I cannot open Franz anymore.

We had to renew our Code Signing Certificate, which is an additional security layer verifying that the app is really published by us.

If the app is being blocked upon opening, please go to your System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and allow Franz to "open anyway".

I get a message saying "Windows protected your PC" when I want to run the app.

We had to renew our Code Signing Certificate, which is an additional security layer verifying that the app is really published by us.

When you click on 'More Info', you will get the option to 'Run anyway'.


Franz is consuming a lot of CPU and working memory. Is there anything I can do about it?

In our latest version (Franz 5.5.0) we introduced a service hibernation feature to reduce the energy consumption. You can enable hibernation for each service individually.

Additionally, we recommend to disable the option 'Keep all workspaces loaded' in your general settings.


I cannot connect to my services and cannot add new ones. Is there a way to fix this?

You want to add a new service or log in to your service account and it just keeps loading?

You probably have some firewall software, e.g. Little Snitch, activated that blocks connections in Franz. Please make sure that you allow connections for Franz in your firewall settings.


I cannot login to Telegram. Can you help me with that?

You're presumably located in a country like Russia that has blocked access to particular services, such as Telegram.

In order to use Telegram you will need to access it via an IPv4 & HTTPS Proxy Server. You can simply add your proxy configuration in your service settings for Telegram.

If you don't have a proxy service at hand, we can recommend a service like,,, or

What does "Franz lost the connection to service" mean?

Franz is a lot like a web browser, only specialized to get the most out of your messaging. In order to run Franz we inject a plugin into every service so we can perfectly integrate this service into Franz and your operating system.

Unfortunately, sometimes this connection gets lost and needs to be initialized again. While a lot of our magic happens behind the curtains, it's sometimes just not possible to do so without interfering with your Franz experience.

If you get this message, just click reload and the magic continues.


I get repeatedly logged out of some services.

Old service caches in the background may cause this issue once in a while. Here's the solution:

  1. Quit Franz

  2. Go to %appdata%\Franz/ windows) or ~/Library/Application Support/Franz (mac) and delete the ‘partitions’ folder there.

  3. Restart Franz

In case the problem persists, please delete all the files from the Franz folder, and restart the app again.

(If this only occurs with business accounts (e.g. GSuite), please check back with your administrator for global account settings that force a service logout.)


I cannot log into my GMail account. What has happened?

Unfortunately, there has been a login issue with GMail for email addresses that end in

This issue has been resolved in our latest version, which you can download from our website.

If you have updated already and again encounter a login issue, then please delete GMail from 'Your services' in your app settings and add it anew.


WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 49+

This fix requires Franz 5. If you are still on Franz 4 then please update here.

Please follow the steps to fix the " WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 49+ " issue.

  • Please remove the "whatsapp" folder in:

    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Franz/recipes/

    • Windows: %appdata%/Franz/recipes/

    • Linux: ~/.config/Franz/recipes/

  • Delete WhatsApp from your Franz services

  • Restart Franz

  • Add WhatsApp via "Add new service"

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Can I use one WhatsApp account for multiple Franz users at the same time?

WhatsApp does only allow one phone number to be used by one user at a time.


A service that I want to use is currently not supported by Franz

Missing something?

See for many more service recipes for Franz offered by 3rd party providers, and follow the installation instructions there.

It's super easy to add new services to Franz! If you fancy adding a new service to Franz yourself, please click here.


I get an issue like "Please update your third-party app"

This happens occasionally when a service had a major update. Please update Franz to the latest version via our download page.


I have problems with audio in Skype. What can I do?

Occasionally, the audio and video settings in Skype need to be reconfigured when you first log in to your account. Please go through the settings and try to change your audio and video device for input and output, and then set it back to default. This usually resolves these issues.


I've recently had some troubles with the app and get logged out of some services. What can I do?

Here’s some tips & tricks to keep Franz happy:

  • Reload the app from time to time

  • Click the Clear cache button in your settings once in a while

    • If this doesn’t help, go to the following path in your explorer (make sure to close Franz first):

      * Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Franz/

      * Windows: %appdata%\Franz/

      * Linux: ~/.config/Franz/

    • ...and delete the 'Cache' folder there

    • Then, restart Franz
